Lade Veranstaltungen

Annika Lindberg, Gothenburg: On Europe’s Attachment to Border Violence

ZiF Border Talk Series

18:15 - 19:30
Online via Zoom

Online Lecture in context of the ZiF research group „Internalizing Borders: The Social and Normative Consequences of the European Border Regime„.

Researchers, non-governmental organisations, and activists have produced ample evidence of how violence is systematically deployed by European states to regulate the mobility and settlement of people on the move racialized as undesired migrants. Europe’s borders are premised on the dehumanisation of these travelers – but such injustices, as Césaire (1958) aptly put it, also dehumanises the people and societies enforcing them. In this talk, I discuss the affective and material attachments of (Western) European societies to border infrastructures of injury, and invite to a conversation on the role of research in rendering those attachments visible.

Link to the lecture:

Alles auf einen Blick:

  • Veranstalter: Zentrum für interdisziplinäre Forschung (ZiF)
  • Ort: Online via Zoom
  • Raum: online
  • Zeit: 18.01.2024, 18:15 - 19:30
  • Zielgruppe: Absolvent*innen, Bürger*innen, Familien und Kinder, Internationals / Refugees, Lehrende und Forschende, Mitarbeitende in Technik und Verwaltung, Schüler*innen, Studieninteressierte, Studierende, Wiss. Nachwuchs
  • Öffentlichkeit: öffentlich
  • Link zur Event-Website
  • zu Ihrem Kalender hinzufügen (iCAL/.ics)