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Sociology congress: five days of discussion on polarization

Author: Bielefeld University

For the second time since 1976, the Congress of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Soziologie (German Sociological Association, DSG) is being held at Bielefeld University. During some 200 events, approximately 2500 researchers will explore the topic of ‘Polarized Worlds.’ The largest and oldest sociology conference in the German-speaking world runs from Monday to Friday on Bielefeld University’s campus through Friday. The conference kick-off was held at the Bielefeld City Hall.

Participants to the 41st Congress of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Soziologie are investigating questions of how polarisation takes root in societies, as well as what facilitates or neutralises it. While the conference had been held online for the past two years, this year’s conference is now being held in person.

Congress participants include not only sociologists, but also professionals from other disciplines such as education, history, medicine, psychology, law, data science, and digital humanities. The DGS holds a conference every two years.

The Faculty of Sociology at Bielefeld University is serving as a co-host of the Congress. With a total of eleven departments and several interdisciplinary research institutes, Bielefeld University’s sociology faculty is one of the largest social science research and teaching institutions in both Germany and in Europe.