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Sports hall becomes emergency accommodation for refugees

Author: Bielefeld University

Due to the war in Ukraine, hundreds of thousands of people from Ukraine are fleeing. They are also seeking refuge in Bielefeld. The willingness to help is impressive. Nevertheless, it is a great challenge for the municipal and social institutions to accommodate the growing number of refugees. At the request of the city and in order to support the necessary relief measures, the university is now making the sports hall in the Main University Building available as emergency accommodation. Now the conversion is nearing its completion.

The Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund (ASB) is taking responsibility for planning, construction and operation. The conversion started last Friday (March 18th 2022), and the first refugees are expected to be accommodated in the sports hall in the course of next week. It is currently assumed that the city will need the sports hall until the end of the summer semester.

Effects on sports and teaching programmes

The planning and (teaching)courses will now be adjusted for the summer semester. Sports students should not be put at a disadvantage. They must be able to continue their studies without delay. The University Sports Service will also be adjusted accordingly; unfortunately, restrictions are to be expected here as well. Students and lecturers will be informed separately.

Help and support

The ASB will provide professional care. For general offers of support such as donations or offers of accommodation, please see the information pages of the city of Bielefeld.

Further concrete requirements will become apparent in the coming days. On this page on the war in Ukraine, current information and background of Bielefeld University is collected and continuously updated.