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Public talk by Dr. Elinor Carmi on how citizens can resist, negotiate and mobilize in the datafied society

Invitation: public talk by Dr. Elinor Carmi on how citizens can resist, negotiate and mobilize in the datafied society

18:00 - 19:00
Hörsaalgebäude Y

Shifting away from viewing citizens as passive individuals in need of protection, this public talk is about a project that examines how citizens can resist, challenge, and mobilize in a society where data and power imbalances prevail.

Dr. Elinor Carmi is a Senior Lecturer in Data Justice and Social Justice at the Sociology & Criminology Department at City University, London, UK.

Alles auf einen Blick:

  • Veranstalter: Fakultät für Erziehungswissenschaft
  • Ort: Hörsaalgebäude Y
  • Raum: Y-1-200
  • Zeit: 25.06.2024, 18:00 - 19:00
  • Zielgruppe: Absolvent*innen, Bürger*innen, Internationals / Refugees, Lehrende und Forschende, Mitarbeitende in Technik und Verwaltung, Studieninteressierte, Studierende, Wiss. Nachwuchs
  • Öffentlichkeit: öffentlich
  • Link zur Event-Website
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